Source code for rexart.stacks

from rexart.objects import Sample, Histogram, Template
from rexart.utils import draw_ratio_with_line, draw_atlas_label, set_labels, shrink_pdf
import rexart.constants
from pathlib import PosixPath
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import re
import yaml
import uproot
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def stackem(args, region, data, histograms, template_var, band=None, figsize=(6, 5.25)): """Create a stack plot Parameters ---------- args : argparse.ArgumentParser command line arguments region : str region from TRExFitter data : rexart.objects.Sample data sample histograms : List[rexart.objects.Sample] list of MC samples to stack template_var : str name of the template variable band : Optional[uproot_methods.classes.TGraphAsymmErrors] error band figsize : tuple(float, float) matplotlib figure size Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure matplotlib fiture axes : tuple(matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.axes.Axes) matplotlib axes (main, ratio) """ # fmt: off fig, (ax, axr) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw=dict(height_ratios=[3.25, 1], hspace=0.025)) expected_sum = np.sum([h.content for h in histograms], axis=0) expected_err = np.sqrt(np.sum([h.sumw2 for h in histograms], axis=0)) ax.hist([h.bin_centers for h in histograms], weights=[h.content for h in histograms], bins=histograms[0].bins, histtype="stepfilled", stacked=True, color=[h.sample.color for h in histograms], label=[h.sample.tex for h in histograms]) ax.errorbar(data.bin_centers, data.content, yerr=data.error, fmt="ko", label="Data", zorder=999) set_labels(ax, histograms[0]) if rexart.constants.region_meta[template_var].logy: ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_ylim([ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1] * 1000]) else: ax.set_ylim([ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1] * 1.5]) if band is not None: yerrlo = np.hstack([band.yerrorslow, band.yerrorslow[-1]]) yerrhi = np.hstack([band.yerrorshigh, band.yerrorshigh[-1]]) expected_sum4band = np.hstack([expected_sum, expected_sum[-1]]) if args.band_style == "hatch": ax.fill_between(x=data.bins,y1=(expected_sum4band - yerrlo), y2=(expected_sum4band + yerrhi), step="post", facecolor="none", hatch="////", edgecolor="cornflowerblue", linewidth=0.0, zorder=50, label="Syst. Unc.") axr.fill_between(x=data.bins, y1=1 - yerrlo / expected_sum4band, y2=1 + yerrhi / expected_sum4band, step="post", facecolor="none", hatch="////", edgecolor="cornflowerblue", linewidth=0.0, zorder=50, label="Syst. Unc.") elif args.band_style == "shade": axr.fill_between(x=data.bins, y1=1 - yerrlo / expected_sum4band, y2=1 + yerrhi / expected_sum4band, step="post", facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0.33), linewidth=0.0, zorder=50, label="Syst. Unc.") # fmt: on draw_ratio_with_line(axr, data, expected_sum, expected_err) axr.set_ylim([0.8, 1.2]) axr.set_yticks([0.9, 1.0, 1.1]) axis_title = "{}{}".format(data.mpl_title, "" if data.unit == "" else f" [{data.unit}]") axr.set_xlabel(axis_title, horizontalalignment="right", x=1.0) if band is not None and args.band_style == "shade": axr.legend(loc="upper center", frameon=True, fontsize=8) ax.legend(loc="upper right") handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.insert(0, handles.pop()) labels.insert(0, labels.pop()) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="upper right", ncol=args.legend_ncol) raw_region = region.split("reg")[-1].split("_")[0] extra_line1 = f"$\\sqrt{{s}}$ = 13 TeV, $L = {args.lumi}$ fb$^{{-1}}$" extra_line2 = f"$pp\\rightarrow tW \\rightarrow e^{{\\pm}}\\mu^{{\\mp}} ({raw_region})$" extra_line3 = "Pre-fit" if histograms[0].postfit: extra_line3 = "Post-fit" draw_atlas_label(ax, extra_lines=[extra_line1, extra_line2, extra_line3]) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.115, bottom=0.115, right=0.965, top=0.95) return fig, (ax, axr)
[docs]def prefit_histograms(args, fit_name, region, samples): """Prepare prefit histogram objects Parameters --------- args : argparse.ArgumentParser command line arguments fit_name : str TRExFitter fit name region : str TRExFitter region samples : List[rexart.objects.Sample] list of MC samples Returns ------- data : rexart.objects.Histogram data histogram histograms : List[rexart.objects.Histogram] MC histograms band : uproot_methods.classes.TGraphAsymmErrors uncertainty band """ hfile = f"{args.workspace}/Histograms/{fit_name}_{region}_histos.root" bfile = f"{args.workspace}/Histograms/{fit_name}_{region}_preFit.root" band ="g_totErr") histograms = [Histogram(hfile, region, sample) for sample in samples] data = Histogram(hfile, region, Sample("Data", "Data", "", "Data")) return data, histograms, band
[docs]def postfit_histograms(args, fit_name, region, samples): """Prepare postfit histogram objects Parameters --------- args : argparse.ArgumentParser command line arguments fit_name : str TRExFitter fit name region : str TRExFitter region samples : List[rexart.objects.Sample] list of MC samples Returns ------- data : rexart.objects.Histogram data histogram histograms : List[rexart.objects.Histogram] MC histograms band : uproot_methods.classes.TGraphAsymmErrors uncertainty band """ hfile = f"{args.workspace}/Histograms/{region}_postFit.root" bfile = f"{args.workspace}/Histograms/{region}_postFit.root" band ="g_totErr_postFit") histograms = [Histogram(hfile, region, sample, postfit=True) for sample in samples] return histograms, band
def split_region_str(region): splits = region.split("_") if len(splits) == 1: return (region, "bdt_response") else: return (splits[0], "_".join(splits[1:]))
[docs]def run_stacks(args): """Given command line arguments generate stack plots Parameters ---------- args : argparse.ArgumentParser """ samples = rexart.constants.samples if args.out_dir is None: outd = f"{args.workspace}/MPL" else: outd = args.out_dir if outd != ".": PosixPath(outd).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fit_name = PosixPath(args.workspace).stem hfiledir = PosixPath(f"{fit_name}/Histograms") regions = [] if args.skip_regions is not None: skipregex = re.compile(args.skip_regions) else: skipregex = None for hfile in hfiledir.iterdir(): if "_histos.root" in region ="_histos.root")[0].split(f"{fit_name}_")[-1] if skipregex: if, region): continue regions.append(region) for region in regions: raw_region, template_variable = split_region_str(region) data, histograms, band = prefit_histograms(args, fit_name, region, samples) data.unit = rexart.constants.region_meta[template_variable].unit data.mpl_title = rexart.constants.region_meta[template_variable].title fig, (ax, axr) = stackem(args, region, data, histograms, template_variable, band=band) out_name = f"{outd}/preFit_{region}.pdf" fig.savefig(out_name) plt.close(fig) if args.shrink: shrink_pdf(out_name)"Done with {region} prefit") if args.do_postfit: histograms, band = postfit_histograms(args, fit_name, region, samples) fig, (ax, axr) = stackem(args, region, data, histograms, template_variable, band=band) axr.set_ylim([0.925, 1.075]) axr.set_yticks([0.95, 1.0, 1.05]) out_name = f"{outd}/postFit_{region}.pdf" fig.savefig(out_name) plt.close(fig) if args.shrink: shrink_pdf(out_name)"Done with {region} postfit")