Source code for rexart.pulls

from rexart.objects import NuisPar
from rexart.utils import shrink_pdf
from pathlib import PosixPath
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import yaml
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_blank_systematics(config_file): """Get list of NPs and categories from TRExFitter config file Parameters ---------- config_file : str name of config file Returns ------- nps : list list of nuisance parameters categories: set all categories that were found """ trex_config = PosixPath(config_file) nps = [] with"r") as f: config_blocks ="\n\n") for block in config_blocks: if "Systematic:" in block: if block[0] == "%": continue block = block.replace("\n ", "\n") s = yaml.load(block, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) np = NuisPar(name=s["Systematic"], category=s["Category"], title=s["Title"]) nps.append(np) categories = set() nps = { np for np in nps} for npn, np in nps.items(): categories.add(np.category) return nps, categories
[docs]def draw_pulls(args, nps): """Draw pulls from command line arguments and nuisance parameters Parameters ---------- args : argparse.ArgumentParser command line arguments nps : list list of nuisance parameters to draw Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure matplotlib fiture ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes matplotlib axis """ Y_OFFSET_PT = 0.00 Y_OFFSET_TEXT = 0.095 Y_OFFSET_TEXT_MEAN = 0.165 X_OFFSET_TEXT = 0.035 xval = np.array([np.mean for np in nps]) yval = np.array([(i + 1) for i in range(len(xval))]) xerr_lo = np.array([np.minus for np in nps]) xerr_hi = np.array([ for np in nps]) ylabels = [np.title.replace("ttbar", "$t\\bar{t}$").replace("tW", "$tW$") for np in nps] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, len(yval) * 0.5)) ax.fill_betweenx([-50, 500], -2, 2, color="yellow") ax.fill_betweenx([-50, 500], -1, 1, color="limegreen") ax.set_yticks(yval) ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) ax.errorbar(xval, yval, xerr=[abs(xerr_lo), xerr_hi], fmt="ko", capsize=3) ax.set_xlim([-2.2, 2.2]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, len(yval) + 1]) ax.grid(color="black", alpha=0.15) # fmt: off if not args.no_text: for mean, iyval, minus, plus in zip(xval, yval, xerr_lo, xerr_hi): ax.text(mean, iyval + Y_OFFSET_TEXT_MEAN, "${}$".format(round(mean, 3)), color="black", size=10, horizontalalignment="center") ax.text(mean + minus - 6.5 * X_OFFSET_TEXT, iyval + Y_OFFSET_TEXT, "${}$".format(round(minus, 3)), color="red", size=10, horizontalalignment="center") ax.text(mean + plus + X_OFFSET_TEXT, iyval + Y_OFFSET_TEXT, "${}$".format(round(plus, 3)), color="blue", size=10) # fmt: on fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.5) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\left(\hat\theta - \theta_0\right) / \Delta \theta$") return fig, ax
[docs]def run_pulls(args): """Given command line arguments generate pull plots Parameters ---------- args : argparse.ArgumentParser """ systematics, categories = get_blank_systematics(args.config) fit_name = PosixPath(args.workspace).stem fit_result = PosixPath(f"{args.workspace}/Fits/{fit_name}.txt") np_by_cat = {c: [] for c in categories} with"r") as f: lines ="CORRELATION_MATRIX")[0].strip() for line in lines.split("\n")[2:-1]: if line.startswith("gamma"): continue elements = line.split() systematics[elements[0]].mean = float(elements[1]) systematics[elements[0]].plus = float(elements[2]) systematics[elements[0]].minus = float(elements[3]) np_by_cat[systematics[elements[0]].category].append(systematics[elements[0]]) if args.out_dir is None: outd = f"{args.workspace}/MPL" else: outd = args.out_dir if outd != ".": PosixPath(outd).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for category, nps in np_by_cat.items(): fig, ax = draw_pulls(args, nps) out_name = f"{outd}/pulls_{category}.pdf" fig.savefig(out_name, bbox_inches="tight") if args.shrink: shrink_pdf(out_name)"Done with {category}")